Bugs -- Preschool & Kindergarten


Daddy Long Legs


Hug a Bug

Hug a bug,
Hug a bug,
But don't EVER
hug a bee!
It might sting
your nose,
your hand,
or your knee.

The Insect Song
(Tune: 3 Blind Mice)

Buzz, buzz, buzz.
Bumblebees buzz.
Buzz over here.
Buzz over there.
They buzz up high and they buzz down low.
Around and around and around they go.
They buzz-buzz fast, and they buzz-buzz slow.
Oh, bumblebees buzz!

Repeat the song, replacing the insect name and its corresponding action word with each of these word pairs in turn: grasshoppers/hop, butterflies/flutter, little ants/run, ladybugs/fly, crickets/jump.

Insect Parts
(Tune: Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes)

Head, thorax abdomen, six legs
Head, thorax abdomen, six legs
And eyes and ears and antennae
Head, thorax abdomen, six legs

Point to the appropriate parts on your body for each of the insect parts. Put up index fingers and waggle them for antenna, and put three fingers out on each side for 6 legs!!


Little things can have a big impact, as in this funny Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss (writing under the name Rosetta Stone) and Michael Frith. When a little bug sneezes, he unknowingly sets off a hilarious chain reaction that wreaks havoc clear across town. From a toppled turtle to a sinking ship to a disrupted circus parade, Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo! takes a hysterical look at consequences in a way that only Dr. Seuss can.


Group Time

Insect Body Parts

Three children form insect body parts by lining up single file and putting hands on shoulders of child in front of them. Instant 3 body parts and 6 legs! Have the first child in each group use index fingers as antennae. Have the children sing the following song "Bugs."

(Tune: For he's a jolly good fellow)

My head is starting to wiggle;
My head is starting to wiggle;
Around and around and around.
(Repeat, substituting thorax and abdomen.)

Last verse:
My six legs are starting to wiggle;
My six legs are starting to wiggle;
My six legs are starting to wiggle
around and around and around.

Then the children change places and get to be a different body part.

Things to Do

Lady Bugs In The Grass
Ladybugs In The Grass

Learning Centers

Bug Dig

Place potting soil in the sensory table and add plastic insects for the children to have fun digging up and matching the ones that are the same.


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