Dr Seuss

Dr Seuss

Dr Seuss

"The more that you read,
the more things that you'll know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go."
-Dr. Seuss


Seuss Cat

Need: white construction paper, black construction paper, red construction paper, glue.

Cat In The Hat hat and face template.
Pre-cut whiskers and white strips. Model for students glueing a white strip on the hat then turn the hat over to trim the strips. Model for children taking a rectange or a square and cutting the corners off to make the shape rounded. Children draw and cut out bow.

Hat Collage

Have children cut out pictures of hats from magazines and glue onto construction paper. Have children bring their finished collages to group time and discuss the hats and when/where the hats would be worn.

Look at Dr. Seuss books for inspiration. Use scrap box items to create a Dr. Seuss inspired City.


1 Fish 2 Fish Interactive Printable Placemat
Cover printed placemat with clear plastic and use goldfish snack cracker as counting pieces.

Book Review

A new Dr. Seuss book! What Pet Should I Get? complete manuscript was found in 2013 in a box in Dr. Seuss's office.

The genius of Seuss shows in the world of words on every page filled with creatures both real and zany. A little boy and girl enter a pet shop with an mission and an order from Dad: Come home with one and only one pet. Children will enjoy the animals at the pet store and classic Seussian imagination.

Things to Do


Squiggle Game

Give each child a piece of drawing paper. Each child will need a marker or a crayon(different colors for each child). Have the children close their eyes and draw a squiggle on their paper.

Children then switches papers with a child who has a different color marker or crayon. After switching papers the children create a picture from the squiggle--finish the drawing. Set a time limit to finish the drawing. What can you make out of that squiggle? Write on the back what the drawing is and share with the class.


Make Oobleck
2 parts cornstarch
1 part water
Food coloring (green)
Ziplock bags

Mix 2 parts cornstarch with 1 part water. Mix until it is thick. Add food coloring. Place oobleck in ziplock bags and seal (can use tape to make sure the bags stay closed). Squish it. Lay flat and use your finger to draw and write on it.

Oobleck can be made in a tub or bowl. Stick your hands in the tub of oobleck and squish it. Try to pick it up and watch it turn to a liquid and slide off your hands. Have water and paper towels near so the children can wash their hands.

The Science Behind Oobleck



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