Hawaiian Luau
Adults and children should wear beach attire or dress in bold and bright colored clothing. To set the mood play water/ocean sounds as a background or Beach Boys music.
Make a hulu skirt.
There are many ways to make a hulu skirt using plastic bags, garbage bags, paper bags, and old tablecloths. Turn a green garbage bag upside down. Using scissors cut off the bottom. Drawstrings at top, have a child step into the trash bag. Trim the length. Cut long thin slits up the green trash bag making it a grass skirt for the luau party.
Two ways to make hula skirt using raffia or ribbon and a paper bag.
Goldfish crackers and pineapple juice.
Banana Boats
Need: 1 banana per child, ice cream, mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.
Slit banana open lengthwise. Put ice cream, mini marshmallows and chocolate chips in slit. Can add whip cream to top. Eat with a spoon straight out of the skin(boat). Enjoy!
Apple Volcanoes
Need: apple, peanut butter, raisins
Cut off top of apple. Using spoon, scoop out the apple core. Fill the apple with peanut butter and top with raisins. If this is to be eaten later, brush apple edges with lemon juice to prevent browning and wrap in foil.
Things to Do
Hula Dancer Puppet Print, color, and assemble.
Hawaiian Dance Coloring Page
Tiki Totem Coloring Page
Sandcastle Coloring Page
Surfboards Coloring Page
See Also