Things to Know
Italian Republic Repubblica Italiana
Capital:Rome which is often called the 'Eternal City'.
Official Language: Italian
Where is Italy?
Italy is in Southern Europe, and consist of a peninsula shaped like a boot that extends into the central Mediterranean Sea. Also part of Italy are the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, and Elba.
It juts out of southern Europe into the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, and other waters.
The sea surrounds Italy. Mountains crisscross Italy dividing it into regions. Italy is mostly rugged and mountainous with the Alps in northern Italy and the Apennine Mountains stretching from the north to the south of Italy along its east coast. There are some plains and coastal lowlands in Italy.
Italy is a fairly fertile area and people have lived there for a long time.
Predominantly Mediterranean; Alpine in far north which is cold in the winter and hot in the summer ; hot, dry in south.
Ancient Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and known as the Eternal City.
Rome was the capital of the ancient world. The Roman Empire was massive extending from England to Germany, and from Turkey to Iraq and northern Africa.
All roads lead to Rome" is a famous saying that was true in ancient times.
Rome is built on seven hills east of the Tiber river. The original city is said to have been built in 753 BCE and was built on the Palatine Hill.
Rome began as a small city and grew into the powerful Roman Empire. Rome was founded in 753 BC. Roman legend is that the city-state of Rome was founded by a young man named Romulus.
The Ancient Romans gave us:
Latin, our modern calendar, roads, public libraries, art, window glass, indoor plumbing, under floor heating, concrete, sewers, aqueducts, arched bridges, domes, glass mirrors, roman numerals, legal system, philosophy, literature, languages, and a whole lot more.
Below are websites to visit to learn more about Ancient Rome
What The Romans Did For Us - a funny and educational poem
BBC-Roman Empire
Primary and secondary levels. A fantastic website for children and teachers with facts, videos, and learner guides.
History for Kids-Discover Ancient Rome A large and thorough history of Ancient Rome for children.
If you want to explore more of the history of Rome and ancient Romans below are some links.
History, time line, print out games and more...
History For Kids-
There are many world famous buildings in Rome:
The renaissance began in Italy in the city-state of Florence
Between 1300 and 1600 Europe was transformed. It was a time of artistic and cultural innovation.
PBS Overview-The Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci lived during the time of the Renaissance. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, musician, engineer, mathematician, and scientist.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo is best known as an artist and is considered one of the greatest painters of all time. He is best known for his realistic portraits.
Leonardo da Vinci activities for students at A to Z Kids Stuff. Learning more about Leonardo da Vinci, his painings, and inventions.
The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are two of da Vinci's famous paintings

The Last Supper

Mona Lisa
Today Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is in the Louve Museum in Paris, France. In 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen off the wall of the Louvre. Read: The Mona Lisa Was Stolen!
Peita (Michelangelo)
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michelangelo was born in 1475 and came from a noble Florentine family. He was an Italian sculptor, painter, and architect, and is one of the greatest artists of all time.
Michelangelo is best known for his sculptures and frescos (painting on wet plaster).
One of Michelangelo's most famous sculptures is David, the biblical hero who defeated Goliath.
David (Michelangelo)
To Do
Soap Carving
Need: Ivory soap (a soft soap). Tools such as popsicle sticks, butter knives, spoons, nails, screwdriver, unsharpened pencil.
Fresco projects that are child safe
Michelangelo's most famous paintings is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Italy. The painting is panels illustrating scenes from the bible which Michelangelo painted directly onto the ceiling. He painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling while lying on his back!

To Do
Creation of Adam (Michelangelo) Lesson
Tape drawing paper to the bottom of tables and paint (or use crayons) as if the drawings were on the ceiling of the chapel.
Sistine Chapel ceiling color pages - tape to underside of the table and color
Michelangelo Painting Activity - One-point perspective drawing
Music Review
Kim Maerkl: Amati's Dream
Kim Maerkl (Author/Composer), Sir Roger Moore (Narrator), Key-Thomas Maerkl (Violin)
Go back in time and be drawn into the world of 17th-century Italy and the shop of the great violin maker Nicolo Amati and his apprentice Raphael. Raphael is learning the luthier's trade and secretly dreams of being a violinist. A captivating story and music that wonderfully expresses the emotions of the story. An exceptional CD and absolutely gorgeous!
Click Kim Maerkl: Amati's Dream to order.