Nigeria -- School-age
Official Name: Federal Republic of Nigeria
Government Type: Federal Republic
Capital: Abuja
Lagos, the former capital, is the Nigeria's leading commercial and industrial city.
County's inhabitants: Nigerian.
Abbreviation: NG
Currency: Nigerian Naira (N, NGN)
Official Languages: English
Many Nigerians also speak pidgin, a mixture of English and native languages.

Nigeria is located in Western Africa, bordering the Gulf of Guinea.

Nigeria gained independence in 1960 from Great Britain. Since gaining independence Nigeria has suffered through corrupt leaders and has largely been ruled by military personnel who have overthrown elected governments.
In 1999 a new constitution was adopted and democratic elections were held for the first time in twenty years. The head of state and government is the president who is elected every four years and can be elected for two consecutive terms. There is a two-chambered, legislature, which is called the National Assembly.
Kenya is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Nigeria is the most densely populated country in Africa. It is home to over 209 million people.
Nigeria has five cities with populations over a million people. Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria with a population of around 17.5 million people. The other from four cities from largest to smallest: Kano, Ibadan, Benin City and Port Harcourt.
Flag of Nigeria
The Nigerian flag was chosen 1959 in a competition. It was designed by a student, Michael Taiwo Akinkunmi.
Nigeria has a vertically striped green-white-green national flag.
Nigeria Video
Nigeria has plains in the north and south. In the center there are hills and plateaus. Along the coastline are mangrove swamp forest.
Niger River
The names of the two major rivers that flow through Nigeria are the river Niger (which is where Nigeria gets it's name), and the river Benue. The Niger enters the country in the northwest and flows southward through tropical rain forests and swamps to its delta in the Gulf of Guinea.
Most of Nigeria is covered with plains and savannas, grasslands with here and there trees and shrubs.
In Nigeria along the coast there is high humidity and heavy rainfall. In the North is climate is arid with dusty winds from the Sahara.
The South of Nigeria is partly covered by dense tropical forests that contain hardwoods such as mahogany and obeche. Oil palms are particularly plentiful and are grwon as a crop. In the plateau and savanna regions, forests give way to grasslands and such hardy trees as the baobab and tamarind. In the extreme NE, semidesert vegetation prevails.
Palm Tree Plantation in Nigeria
Elephant Species Differences
Nigeria is home to a variety of animals, including
elephants, gorillas,
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Nigeria Is Famous For
Nigeria is known for its oil. It is the largest producer of oil in Africa. Despite its oil wealth, over 50 per cent of Nigerians live below the poverty line.
Nigeria is often called the "Giant of Africa", owing to its huge population (the largest in Africa) and its oil production.
It is home to over 209 million people.
Nigeria Products
Nigeria’s economy is driven by oil. Oil and gas accouts for 86 per cent of exports revenue.
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Things to Do
The Yoruba of south western Nigeria produce a traditional cloth called Adire. Adire translates as tie and dye.It is an indigo dyed cloth Nigerians use for clothing.
African adire easy using crayons and watercolors.
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Recommended Books
The Maker of Oils: A Nigerian Tale About Giving
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