South Korea -- School-age
South Korea
Things to Know
South Korea
Republic of Korea
In 1948, South Korea became an independent country.
Capital: Seoul
Language: Hangeul is the name of the Korean writing system.
Currency: Won

Korea is a peninsula lying between China on the west and north and Japan to the east. The whole Korean peninsula is about 85,500 square miles (221,443 sq km).
Korea is seperated into North and South Korea.
South Korea is 37,901 sq mi (98,190 sq km) and its population is close to 50 million.
the Korean War began in 1950 when South Korea was invaded by North Korea.

South Korea is a small country with a lot of people. Many of the country's natural areas have become smaller. There wilderness areas in the mountains
There are numerous deer. Other large mammals are bears, tigers, leopards, and lynx, have almost disappered.
Off the coast of South Korea anr humpback whales and gray whales.
Climate and Land
Four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). Hot summers and cold winters.
Mountains and hills make up about 70 percent of South Korea.
Make and Play
Korean Board Game
Make a traditional Korean family board game called Yut-Nori from paper and craft sticks.
Ddakji Game
Make a traditional South Korean family game. Youtube videos: How to make a Ddakji and How to play Ddakji (yplayers should be standing).
Jegi: A Korean Hackysack/Shuttlecock type game
See Also