Winter - Toddler


Winter Snowman

Winter activities for toddler aged children.


The Mitten Song

Thumbs in the thumb-place,
Fingers all together!
This is the song
We sing in mitten-weather.
When it is cold,
It doesn't matter whether
Mittens are wool,
Or made of finest leather.

This is the song
We sing in mitten-weather:
"Thumbs in the thumb-place,
Fingers all together!
-Marie Louise Allend



Mittens & Hats

Cut sponges into mitten and hat shapes. Use a clothspin to create ahandle. Provide trays with paint on them. Have children dip the sponges in the paint and creating prints on construction paper.

Set out a variety of colorful fall leaves. Give each chaild a 6 to 10 inch square of clear self-stick paper with the backing removed. Let the children arrange the leaves on the sticky sides of their squares.

When each child is finished, place a second clear self-stick paper square over the first squae and seal the edges well. Punch a hole at the top of each squre and add a loop of yarn. Arrange the leaf hangings in a window.

Winter Mittens Craft

Place in a cup (such as a paint cup or yogurt cup) glue or liquard starch with a paint brush.


Ice - Fingerplays/Songs

I'm a Little Ice Cube
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a little ice cube, frosty and square,
I make things icy cold everywhere.
If it gets too warm, I better watch out,
"Cause I will melt, there is no doubt.

Ice - Art

Ice Cube Painting

The day before place water in ice cube trays. Cover the tray with aluminum foil. Cut small slits in the foil and place ice cream sticks or craft sticks through the slits in the foil covering the ice cube trays.

1. You can add food coloring to each cube and stir than place the foil and sticks.


2. Give the children heavy paper with powdered tempera paint sprinkle on it. Have the children run their ice cubes over the powdered tempera paint. Lay folded paper towels on the table for the children to lay their ice cubes onto.

Ice - Science/Math

Ice Cube Racers

Use food coloring to make different colors of water. Place the colored water into ice cube trays. Set up an ice cube race track by placing a smooth board on a chair. Set out the ice cubes. Let the children choose their ice cube, put it at the top of the race track and watch it race down to the bottom.



Falling Down

Snow Snow
Falling Down (move hands, like falling snow) It covers the ground (move hands back and forth and smooth).

I'm A Little Snowman

I'm a friendly snowman big and fat
(stretch arms out at sides)
Here is my tummy and here is my hat
(point to tummy and then top of head)
I'm a happy fellow, here's my nose
(Smile and then point to nose)
I'm all snow from my head to my toes
(point to head and then to toes)
I have two bright eyes so I can see
(Point to eyes)
All the snow falling down on me
(flutter fingers downward)
When the weather's cold I'm strong and tall
(stand up tall)
But when it's warm I get very small.
(crouch down low)


Learning Centers

Snow Fun

Place snow in the sand/water table with buckets, measuring spoons, and small shovels. If they want to let them wear mittens while they pla


Melting Snow

Give each child a plastic container. Have the children fill the containers with snow. Let them bring the containers inside and place them around the room. Have the children check their containers periodically to see what is happening to their snow. What is snow made of?


Snowy Gelatin

Make gelatin. Distribute cups to the children. Pour 1/2 cup of gelatin into the individual cups. Let each child add marshmallows to his/her own gelatin cup, counting as he/she puts them in. Let the gelatin harden in a refrigerator. Then enjoy the gelatin as a snack.


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