“The greatest remedy for anger is delay.” Seneca
What do we do when we get angry, how do we control our anger? There are many solutions out in the market, some work for some people and not others. We’ll give you a few to try to see what works best for you.
One, many people try counting to ten before saying anything. Two, have a statement that you say to yourself over and over. For example, “keep your mouth shut,” or “anger and frustration feed misbehavior.” Three, one of our favorites comes from the Cline-Fay Institutes Love and Logic program. It is called delayed consequences, say, “I don’t know what I’m going to do, and I’ll have to get back to you. Try not to worry about it.” Now Mom can wait until she’s not angry to give any consequences. We both get to cool off and discuss the matter when we’re not emotional. When you say,
“Try not to worry about it”, what do you think your child will be thinking about?