Dairy Food Group - Preschool & Kindergarten

Dairy Food Group

Dairy Food Group

All liquid and solid food products that are made from animal milk are in the dairy food group. Non-dairy milk alternatives, soy milk and nut milks, also are in this group.

Sesame Street: Grover Game Show



Moo, Moo, Brown Cow

Moo, moo, brown cow
Have you any milk?
Yes miss, three jugs smooth as silk.
One for you,
And one for me,
And one for the little cat
Who sits in the tree.

Dairy Products Movement

Have children stand up. To help them think of dairy products they eat ask the following questions.

Jump up and down if you eat cereal with milk on it for breakfast.
Turn around if you like cheese.
Reach up high if you like yogurt.
Wiggle if you ice cream.
Sit down if you like chocolate milk.

Make Butter
Need: pint size jars with lids (baby food jar, peanut butter or mayo jar), heavy whipping cream, salt (optional)

Fill the jar about half full of heavy whipping cream. Add a pinch of salt if desired. Screw the lid tight.

Put on some bouncy music - "The Twist" works great.

Hand the jars to the children and have the children shake the jars. A hard ball of butter will form. Drain the liquid from the butter. The liquid is buttermilk. Some children may want to taste it.

Give the children crackers and plastic knives to spread their butter on.

Make Ice Cream In A Bag

Food Group - Dairy
Need: Paper plate, dairy label, dairy pictures.

Give each child a paper plate. Let children color their paper plate. Glue dairy label and dairy products on their paper plate.

For images use magazines, ad packs, or images.

Dairy Food Nutrition Flash Cards Cut Out Printable for Kids

Discover MyPlate Food Cards

Food Group Labels

Milk Products Petal Book

Milk Products petal book.

Super Milk

Dairy Duo Paper Craft
Super Milk and Super Cheese

Recommended Books

Where Does Milk Come From




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