Special Days

Special Days

Special Days

Special days to celebrate with children.

Beach Day


Perfect For A Picnic
By Kimberly M. Hutmacher

A baby blue sky
A bright golden sun
The perfect blanket
For afternoon fun!

Print the poem "Perfect For A Picnic" by Kimberly M. Hutmacher. After reading the poem have the children complete the illustration for the poem.

Click here for a printer friendly version of the poem "Perfect For A Picnic."


Beach Balls
Need: circle from construction paper, tissue paper, markers, crayons

Cut a circle shape from construction paper. Decorate the beach ball shape with tissue paper, sharp art materials... When finished hang in the room as a decoration.

Jar Sand Painting
Need: small baby food jars, sand or salt, powdered tempera paint, plastic spoons, popsicle sticks

Color the sand or salt by place it in a cup with powdered tempera paint added. Glitter can be added to the colored sand to make it sparkly.

Children can spoon the colored salt or sand into their baby food jar. Have children use sticks to push the sand against the sides of the jar to create designs. Cap tightly. Can tie yarn around the outside edge of the lid or glue feathers on the lid top.

Sand Painting

Clay Sandcastles

Learning Areas

Dramatic Play Area

Create a beach area. Set up lawn chairs, beach towels, sunglasses, radio etc. Add the sand table. Include in the sand table: buckets and shovels.

Fish Mural

Lay out a large sheet of blue paper. Have children draw or paint fish on it. Tape on the paper some of the ocean crafts the children made.


See A to Z Kids Stuff Water Fun page.

Have a Limbo contest.


Beach in a Bag Snack

Provide each child with a ziploc baggie. Set out bowls & spoons on a table with the following items in them: Dry Chow Mein noodles (seaweed), Pretzel sticks(driftwood), Goldfish Crackers(fish), Granola-(sand), Cheerios(life preservers), Dried Apricots(beach towels), Raisins(beach pebbles). Let the children create their own "Beach In A Bag Snack" by adding spoonful of each food item to their baggie. Serve with water.

Goldfish crackers and lemonade.

Bears at the Beach
Use blue jello, vanilla pudding, gummi bears, and a paper umbrella to create a fun snack.

Bubble Day

Blowing Bubbles

Mix together 1/4 cup liquid dishwashing detergent, 1/2 cup water, a few drops of food coloring and 1 teaspoon sugar. Pour into a shallow container and use with bubble blowers.

Let the bubble solution age for a few days to make bubble blowing easier.

Bubble Prints
Need: food coloring, white paper, liquid dish washing detergent, straws, tubs (app. 1 tub for every 3 children).

Place water in a tub(about 1/4 full. Add liquid dish soap. Have children take a straw and blow into the water to make bubbles. When the bubbles have formed add drops of food coloring to the top of the bubbles. Take a piece of white paper and lay on top of the bubbles to pop the

Watch and do not let the paper get in the water. Makes colorful bubble prints.


Bubbly Punch

In a large pitcher mix together one 12-ounce can unsweetened frozen apple juice concentrate, 2 cans (24 ounces) cold water and one 32-ounce bottle club soda. Stir well and pour into plastic glasses. Makes 17 small servings.

Hat Day

Design A Hat

Give each child the outline of a hat shape. Using scrapes from the art center (buttons, ribbon, feathers, googly eyes, etc.) and pictures from magazines, they decorate the hats. They make a colorful display in the classroom.

Hat Templates


Dr. Suess

I Want My Hat Back
by Jon Klassen

Whose Hat Is This?
by Sharon Katz Cooper

This Is Not My Hat
by Jon Klassen

Ice Cream Day

Ice Cream in a Bag
Need: 2 zip lock bags for every child - 1 pt size and 1 gal. size

Mixture for ice cream:
These ingredients go into the 1 pt size zip lock bag.
1/2 c. milk
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Fill 1 gal. size zip lock bag with ice (1/2 full) and rock salt ( or table salt). Put the 1 pt size bag into the gal size bag. Be sure the bags are sealed!! Then shake the bags for approximately 5 minutes (this is great exercise for the kiddos--it will wear them out!)

When finished with the shaking, the mixture will be somewhat hard (if the shaking was completed). Take the pt size bag out of gal size bag, wipe the bag off, grab a spoon and eat out of the bag! It was worth the shaking!!

Can add sprinkles or chocolate syrup!

Compount Words Bulid an Ice Cream Activity

Compound Words Bulid an Ice Cream Activity


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