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Art Recipes

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Color Pages







Toothpick Homes
Need: toothpicks (round work best), glue, construction paper

Have the children pick any color construction paper they choose. Give each child glue. Dump the toothpicks on the table and let them construct a house. Show them how they can break the toothpick to make smaller pieces for windows and doors. I usually talk to the group beforehand about wood coming from trees and using the lumber to build homes. They understand that toothpicks are also made from wood. Contributed By: Jan

Shape Houses

Cut an assortment of construction paper shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles. Place the shapes on the art table. Provide each child with a large piece of construction paper. The children glue the variety of shapes onto their construction paper to create shape houses.

House College
Need: magazines, construction papers, glue, scissors.

Fold a number of construction papers to make a book. Label the book, "Things in My Home."

Have children cut pictures of homes, rooms, appliances, and furniture from magazines. Have them glue the pictures into their books.

Household Tracings
Need: Household items to trace (spatula, wooden spoon, cookie cutter), construction paper.

Lay items to trace on the art table. Or have children find a small item in the room that they would have in their home. Have children trace the items on their construction paper.

*Learning Centers

Dramatic Play

Cleaning House
Add house cleaning tools (vacuum cleaner, feather duster, mops, brooms, dust pan) to the dram play center.

Sand Table

Sand Castles
Wet the sand in the sand table. Provide items for the children to use to form buildings, homes, etc... Include empty milk cartons, small plastic buckets, etc..


Building Materials
Place building materials (wood, brick, canvas, tar paper, shingle, etc..) in the science area with magnifying glasses.


Room Match
Need: Several boxes (shoe size boxes), magazine pictures of household items.

Label each box a room found in a home: kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom. Have pictures of household items found in each room.

Have the children sort the pictures by placing them in the appropriate boxes. Such as, coffee pot, dishes, silverware pictures would be placed in the kitchen box.


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