Home Education

Donna Young's Free Homeschool Planner
A large selection of record keeping forms.
Teacher Planning and Organization Forms
Math Worksheets
Math worksheets, time worksheets, and money worksheets.
Your Child Series
Free on-line publications from the US. Dept. of Ed. Each includes
basic information and activities for elementary age children. Be sure
to look at the "Helping Your Child Learn Science."
English Grammar
Grammar lessons, exercises, and rulde for everyday use.
Six Pillars Of Character
Simple and short. Print out to make an effective poster.
Whootie: Stories to Grow By
Multicultural Stories, Fairytales & Values Class Plan.
Heroes of History
Florence Nightingale, George Washington Carver, C. S. Lewis and
others are illuminated with facts, anecdotes, bibliographies and
links. Five key values set heroes apart.
Bible |
Treasure Keys
Keys For Christian Sons And Daughters
Activities and ideas to expand and enrich children's bible lessons.
Christian Preschool Printables
Free Resources for Parents, Teachers,
Homeschoolers, Sunday School, Special Needs, and more.....
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