Oval Shape - Preschool & Kindergarten


Shape Oval Preschool Kindergarten

Song Video




Opal Oval

Opal Oval is my name.
The circle and I are not the same.
The circle is round, as round can be.
I am shaped like an egg as you can see

Ollie Oval

I am Ollie Oval
A football shape is mine
Some people think that I'm an egg
But I think I look fine!


Oval Creature

Oval Creature

Give children a large oval for the body. Cut rectangles and circles of different sizes for the children to use to create an oval creature.

Oval Collage
Need: Various sizes of ovals cut from construction paper.

Give each child a piece of construction paper cut in a large oval shape. Children glue the oval shapes on a piece of construction paper to create an oval collage.

Recommended Books

Ovals (Shapes Book)
by Sarah L. Schuette

Ovals (Shapes Are Fun!)
by Teddy Borth


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