Alphabet Letter U Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Group Time
U is for Under
Cut U shapes out of construction paper. Place the U's under objects around the room, such as chairs, books, and toys. Let the children walk around and look under different objects to the the U's. Make sure each child finds at least one.
Velvet V's
Cut large V shapes from heavy paper. Cut velvet (or any velvet like material) into small pieces. Have the children glue the velvet pieces all over their letter shape.
V Vest
Make a vest for each child by cutting a neck hole in the bottom of a large paper grocery bag and two armholes in the sides. Cut open the front of the bag from the bottom edge up to the neck hole.
Print a large V on the back of each vest. Have the children use crayons or markers to decorate the other parts of the vests. Let the children trace over their V's with glue and sprinkle on glitter.
Group Time
Finger V's
Have the children sit on floor in front of you. Show them how to hold up two fingers to form the letter V. Then hold up the alphabet cards one at a time. Whenever the children see the letter V, have them make the V sign with their fingers.
Body V's
Have the children sit on the floor. Let them form V's with their legs, fingers, and then with upraised arms. Follow up by having the children choose partners and form V's on the floor with their bodies.
Sound of V
Teach the children to make the sound of the letter V by placing their top teeth over their bottom lip and buzzing. Tell them it is like the sound of a vacuum cleaner.
Veggie Snacks
At snack time have a variety of different vegetables and dip.
Wallpaper W's
Need: wallpaper samples and construction paper.
Cut large W shapes from white construction paper. Have the children tear or cut wallpaper into small pieces and glue them all over their W letter.
Watch College
Need: magazines
Print the letter W on each piece of construction paper. Have children look through magazines and cut out pictures of watches. The children can then glue the pictures on their papers to create watch collages.
Wheel of W's
Cut out of posterboard a wheel shape (small circle inside a larger circle with straight double lines for spokes). Have the children look through magazines and cut out the letter W. Let the children glue their w's onto the wheel shape. Hang on the wall or door with the caption "Wonderful Wheel of W's!"
W Watch
Make simple paper watches from construction paper that can be taped around the children's wrists. Print large W's on the watch faces. Let the children wear their watches throughout the day. Make a few extra watches in case a watch is torn it will be easy to replace.
Group Time
Letter W
Have the children sit on floor in front of you. Show them how to hold up three fingers to form the letter W. Then hold up the alphabet cards one at a time. Whenever the children see the letter W, have them make the W sign with their fingers.
When seeing the letter W the children could also either wink or wave.
Sound of W
Teach the children to make the sound of by forming the lips in a small circle. Have them watch you and then try themselves. Give them opportunities to make and listen for the sound.
Wiggle Worms
Have the children pretend to be wiggly, wiggly, worms crawling around on the floor. Ask them to greet each other by making the sound of W.
Have the children stand and stretch their arms out at their sides. Have them bend down and touch the right foot with the left hand and then the left foot with the right hand.