Alphabet Letter X Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Cut large X shapes out of construction paper. Cut small construction paper strips. Show the children how to place the paper strips to form a X. Then let the children glue their construction paper strip x's on their large letter X shape.
Group Time
Finger X
Have the children sit on floor in front of you. Show them how to use their fingers to form the letter X. Then hold up the alphabet cards one at a time. Whenever the children see the letter X, have them make the X sign with their fingers.
Group Game
Find the X's
Make a X on the floor with masking tape. Print X's and other letters on post-it brand notes and stick them on objects around the room. Let the children walk and search for the X notes.
Whenever a child finds one, have him/her remove it and then stick it on the center of the large X on the floor. continue until each child has found at least one X note.
Yarn Y's
Need: heavy paper and yarn scraps.
Give each child a Y shape cut from heavy paper. Set out yarn pieces and small containers of glue. Have the children dip the yarn into the glue and then place on their paper Y to form designs.
Have wet paper towels on the table for the children to wipe their hands on.
Group Time
Have children form Y's on the floor with their bodies. Have a yawning contest just before nap time.
Make a Z Book
Give each child a cut out "Z." Have children glue the z onto a sheet of construction paper. The children add ears, eyes, tails, legs, etc. to make an animal for the zoo. Encourage the children to think about what his/her animal eats and to draw that and what kind of an environment that animal needs (water, trees).
Also ask each child to write the name of their animal (usually using invented spelling or the adult prints the animal's name). Finally, the children glue strips of black paper on the sheet of construction paper to make the zoo cage. Makes a wonderful bulletin board display titled "Our Zoo," or compile all the zoo pictures and put them into a book titled "Our Zoo."
Zinnia Seeds
ave children decorate small cups with the letter Z. Then let the children plant zinnia seeds in their cups. Place the cups in a sunny area and water them often.
Group Time
Have children form Z's on the floor with their bodies.
Mrs Jones Alphabet Sing Along Songs
Alphabet, consonant and more sing along songs.
Mrs Jones Alphabet Activities
Learning Letter Names and Letter Sounds
Bembo's Zoo
A stylish animal alphabet site with illustrations created from the letters in each animal's name.