Glitter G's
Need: green paint and gold glitter
Cut out of construction paper a large letter G. Give each child a construction paper G. Have the children paint their letter G with green paint and the shake gold glitter on the letter G.
Heart H's
Cut large letter H shapes out of heavy paper. Cut small heart shapes from wallpaper and various colors of construction paper. Let the children glue the hearts all over their H shapes.
Group Time
H Body Parts
Tune: Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Head and Hands, Hips and Heels
Hips and Heels
Head and Hands, Hips and Heels
Hips and Heels
Hair and Heart and Hamstrings
Head and Hands, Hips and Heals
Hips and Heals
Contributed By: Michelle Base
Human H's
Have 5 children create a "human H" on the floor. To form each side of the H, have 2 children lie on their backs with their feet touching. Have the remaining child stretch out between the 2 sides to form the crossbar.
Letter Recognition Worksheets - Letter I
Alphabet Letter I Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Lower Case I's
Make a number of lower-case I's by cutting rectangles and circles out of colored construction paper. Give each child several sets of the shapes, along with a sheet of plain white paper. Let the children arrange and glue the rectangles and circles on their papers to form lower-case i's.
Group Time
Incredible I's
Divide the children into groups of 3. Have the children in each group lie on the floor and form an upper-case I with their bodies.