Alphabet Letter P Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Pasta P's
Print a large letter P onto construction paper. Let children explore the pasta. Then have children glue pasta onto the construction paper letter P.
Puppet Parade
Cut out pictures of animals whose names begin with the letter P (puppy, pig, pony, panda, porcupine, porpoise, parrot, penguin, peacock, parakeet). Glue pictures onto construction paper, trim around the edges and attach them to craft sticks. After making the puppets talk about the movements that the different animals make. Then play music and let the children act out the movements of their animal puppets
P animals to make stick puppets.Jack-In-The-Box
You sit so still.
Won't you come out?
Yes, I will
Have the children crouch down near the floor. Then recite the poem and have them jump up at the end.
The Letter Q
Alphabet Letter Q Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Quarter Q's
Cut large letter Q shapes out of heavy paper. Let the children make rubbings of quarters on white paper, using the side of a pencil point or a crayon. Cut out the rubbings and let the children glue the "quarters" on their letter Q shapes. The children could also glue Q-tips to their letters.
Group Time
Quacking for Q
Have children sit on the floor in front of you. Hold up Alphabet cards one at a time. Children say letter. Whenever the children see the letter Q, after they say the letter have them quack.