The Letter A
Materials Needed: monogram of the capital A letter, glue and white paper. Lots of cut outs of pictures that start with the letter A, (apple, airplane, alligator, astronaut) and crayons, markers, colored pencil which ever you prefer for your class.
Directions: Have the children glue pictures on their paper and color, explain that "A" is for apple etc.
Contributed by Felicitas.
Need: apples, cinnamon, water
Have the children help make applesauce for snack time. Quarter, core and peel 3 to 4 sweet apples. Cut the quarter pieces in half and place them in a saucepan. Add 1/2 cup water, sprinkle on 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and simmer, covered, until the apples are tender. Let the children mash the cooked apples with a potato masher. Then spoon the cooled applesauce into small bowls. Makes 6 servings.
Group Time
Acrobatic A's
Divide the children into groups of 3. Have the children in each group lie on the floor and use their bodies to form the letter A.
Cut large letter B shapes from heavy construction paper. Have children glue onto their B shape either buttons, bows, or beans.
Birthday Cake
Make a large birthday cake from construction paper. Have each child draw, color and cut out a candle from construction paper. Write their names and birthdates on the candle and glue to the cake.
Beautiful B Banners
Cut triangles from blue, brown, and black construction paper. Make a big letter B on a large sheet of paper. Have the children glue their triangles on the letter B. Have the children cut out pictures from magazines of items that begin with the letter B and glue them onto the banner around the large letter B.
Learning Centers
Bolts and Nuts
Place assorted sizes of unassembled bolts and nuts, in a labeled container on the fine motor shelf
"B" Paint
Place brown, black, and blue tempera paint at the easel. Place a paintbrush in each container. Explain to the children that the easel area will have paints that start with the letter "B". Before the children see the paint colors, ask if they can name the colors that begin with "B". Encourage children to use all three colors when painting.
Bowing for B
Have children stand in front of you. Hold up Alphabet cards one at a time. Children say letter. Whenever the children see the letter B, have them bow.
Group Time
Have a set of alphabet cards. Hold up a letter and say its name. If a child's name begins with that letter, have the child stand up. Some children will recognize the letter by themselves, others will need assistance. Continue holding up different letter cards until all of the children are standing.
Brown Cows
A root beer float with chocolate ice cream. Place chocolate ice cream in a small cup and add root beer soda pop.
Circle C
Draw a large letter "C" on bulletin board paper. Draw circles on construction paper.
Have the children cut out the circles, as best they can and glue them onto the large letter C. Hang the large letter C in the room.
Cutting Corners
Provide the children with squares, rectangles and triangles cut from construction paper and/or wallpaper.
Let the children cut off all the corners. Have them glue their corners on sheets of construction paper.
Cottonball C's
Need: C letter shapes and cottonballs
Trace the letter C on construction paper or cut large letter C shapes out of paper and glue onto construction. Set out cottonballs and shallow containers of glue. Let the children dip the cottonballs into the glue and then place them all over their letter shapes.
Cat Collage
Have children cut cat pictures out of magazines. Glue on construction paper to create a cat collage.
C Song
Carrots, castles, candy canes,
Cucumbers and clouds with rain,
Cats and cookies, crayons too.
I think C is cool. Don't you?
Color Pages