Jewelry J's
Give each child a 6-inch-tall J shape cut from posterboard. Have the children decorate their letters by gluing on such materials as glitter, small beads, sequins or foil scraps. Punch holes in the tops of the letter shapes. Then tie on loops of yarn or colored cord and let the children wear their "jewelry J's" as necklaces.
Group Time
Jogging for J
Use flashcard ABC's. Have the children stand in front of you. Then hold up the cards, one at a time, and have the children jog in place each time the see the letter J. Variation: Have the children jump instead of jog.
You sit so still.
Won't you come out?
Yes, I will
Have the children crouch down near the floor. Then recite the poem and have them jump up at the end.
Letter K - King's Crown
Cut a zig zag through the middle of a 9 x 12 construction paper. Have children decorate the king's crown. Have the children decorate a letter K. Place the crown on the letter K.
Kindness Collage
On a large sheet of paper print, "K is for Kindness". Have the children look through magazines and cut out pictures that show people being kind to one another or doing kind things. The children glue the pictures on the large paper. Display the kindness collage on a wall or a bulletin board and encourage the children to talk about the pictures.
Group Time
Key Chain
Cut several key shapes out of posterboard (or use old keys). On each shape glue a small picture (or use stickers) of something that starts with the letter K. Print the letter K on the shape also.
Punch a hole in the top of each key shape and fasten the shapes together with a key chain. Give the keys to the children and let them take turns naming the letter and pictures on them.
Key outline
Other Ideas
Name foods that taste good with ketchup.
Laced L's
Need: posterboard, hole punch, yarn, masking tape.
Using posterboard cut out large L shapes. Use a hole punch around the edges of the shapes. Tie a long piece of yarn through one of the holes in each shape. Wrap masking tape around the end of the yarn to make "needles". Have children lace the yarn through the holes around the posterboard letter L. When finished trim the loose yarn ends and tape them to the backs of the letter shapes.
L Collage
Need: long paper, magazine pictures of the letter L and pictures of objects that begin with L.
Use two pieces of long paper to form the letter L. Place the paper on the table. Have the children work together to glue magazine pictures of objects that begin with the letter L, along with L's cut from ads or article titles on the giant letter L. Display the L collage on a wall or a bulletin board.
L is for Leaves
Need: construction paper, leaves
Cut out a large L shape from the construction paper. Collect leaves from outside and glue them onto the paper L.