Alphabet Letter M Patterns
Use the patterns on the following pages to make stick puppets, learning games, alphabet books and other teaching aids.
Macaroni M's
Cut large M shapes out of heavy paper. Have the children glue macaroni to their letter M shape.
Moustache College
Using magazines have children cut out pictures of faces. Children glue the faces onto construction paper. Then they can draw moustaches onto the faces.
Nose N's
Cut out large letter N's from heavy paper. Give children magazines. Have the children look through the magazines and cut out peoples noses. The children can glue the noses onto their large letter N.
Group Time
Nodding for N
Have children sit on the floor in front of you. Hold up Alphabet cards one at a time. Children say letter. Whenever the children see the letter N, have them nod their heads.
O O's
Need: self stick reinforcement circles
Cut large letter O shapes out of construction paper. Set out self-stick reinforcement circles. Let the children stick the reinforcement circles all over their letter shapes to represent O's.
Printing O's
Pour different colors of tempera paint into shallow containers. Set out construction paper and objects with round ends, such as cardboard toilet tissue tubes, drinking straws, margarine tubs and plastic bottles. Have the children print O's of various colors and sizes by dipping the open ends of the objects into the paint and pressing them on their papers.
O is for Octopus
Cut large letter O shapes out of heavy grey paper. Have the children add 2 large eyes at the top of their letter O and then accordion style fold 8 grey legs and attach around the sides and bottom of the O.
Group Time
Finger O's
Show children how to form O's using their thumb and index finger. Have children sit on the floor in front of you. Hold up Alphabet cards one at a time. Children say letter. Whenever the children see the letter O, have them form O's with their fingers.