The Alphabet
I Know the Alphabet T-Shirt
Have each parent send in an old white t-shirt for their child to use during the year. The T-Shirt needs to be one or two sizes larger than what the child currently wears.
Place a heavy piece of cardboard between the front and back of the T-shirt. On the front of each child's t-shirt, write (with permanent markers) "I know the alphabet."
After the child has mastered a letter, have him/her write the letter on his shirt with a permanent marker. When the whole alphabet is learned, the child can sign his/her name on the shirt and wear it home.
Recognizing Letters
Bean Bag Alphabet
Need: Alphabet cards (medium size)
Lay half of the alphabet cards on the group time rug. Children stand on the outside of the rug (not on the rug). Give each child a bean bag. Call on a child, the child tosses his bean bag onto one of the alphabet cards and says the letter. If the child doesn't know the letter have the class help say the letter. Continue until everyone has a turn. Pick up the alphabet cards and bean bags. Lay out the other half of the alphabet cards and give children the bean bags. Play toss the bean bag and say the letter again.
Sandpaper Letters
Need: cue cards, sandpaper, scissors, glue, cloth bag
Stencil alphabet onto sandpaper. Cut out and paste onto cue cards (cut in half). Place cards in bag. Have child reach into bag and feel cards. Once he or she has "picked" one, encourage them to feel the letter and try to guess what the letter is before pulling it out. Once a guess is made, child should pull out the card and check.
**At first place only 3 or 4 letters in the bag and have the child read and feel the letters before placing them in the bag and playing game.**
Contributed By: Laila B
Alphabet Boggle Hunt (game)
Need: Game of Boggle
Have the children take turns shaking the container to mix up the letter dice (they love this part). Then have them look for the letter of the day. When they find that letter let them hold that dice that has the letter on it.
If the letter of the day is not showing have them pick one dice and try to find that letter if that die doesn't have the letter put it in the box, if it has the letter the child get's to put it in his/her pile, then shake the boggle container up again. Continue until all the dice are gone and then children count there pile and whoever has the most dice wins. They love to shake the container cause it's so noisy.
Contributed by: Gwen
Alphabet Red Rover Type Game
Children form 2 lines facing each other with a large area between. The area between is water and can only be crossed when a upper case and lower case alphabet letter are the same letter. Give each of the children in one line an alphabet card with a lower case letter (each child a different letter).
The child in the other line with the matching lower case letter holds it up. Then both children cross over the water (change places). When they are in the middle of the open space have the children stand next to each other, hold up their cards, and turn around (chanting each letter--upper A and lower a, a, a ,a). Will need adult help with the stopping and turning.
Hand an upper case letter to the next child in line...
First Letter
Have a set of alphabet cards. Hold up a letter and say its name. If a child's name begins with that letter, have the child stand up. Some children will recognize the letter by themselves, others will need assistance. Continue holding up different letter cards until all of the children are standing.
Look Carefully
Put a bunch of letters in the middle of the circle so that everyone can see them. Say, "I am looking for an 'A'. Who sees one?" Have a child whose sees the letter get it and bring it to you. Continue until all of the letters have been picked up.
Letter Reinforcement
Need: small mat, masking tape, index cards, markers
The alphabet letter you are working on, tape the letter on the mat, and have the children look around the class for "hidden" index cards labeling items around them which start with that letter. The children return to the mat with their "hidden" index cards to talk about when they are. (I spy can be used to help them along)
Contributed by: Teresa
Pass the Letter
Have a complete set of alphabet letters. Give several to each child. Have them each select one and leave the remainder in a pile in front of them. Begin playing some music. While the music is playing, have the children pass the letters around the circle. When the music stops, have each child hold up his/her letter and say which letter it is. Now have them choose another letter from their pile and begin passing them to the music again. Continue on to give all of the children practice in recognizing letters.
Buried Letters
Need: sand in sand table, plastic letters
Have children bury small, plastic letters around in many places in the sand table. Then, have the same or other children take turns finding one letter with their hands and identifying it while it is still under the sand only by touching it! If the identification is correct place the letter on the table. If it is incorrect, the letter is again slipped under the sand to be found once more.
Alphabet Sandwiches
Need: bread, (sandwich filling of choice), colored sauce
Cut the sandwich into the shape of a letter (I started with the first letter of their name and then onto letters they had troubles learning) or use tomato sauce (depending on what was on the sandwich of course) to write the letter on the outside of the sandwich. My kids loved it and it helped them and their friends to discover new letters.
Contributed by: Mell Cross
Room Decoration
ABC Caterpillar
Cut up egg cartons into individual cups. You will need 27 cups. To make the head, draw a face onto one of the egg cups, and stick two pipe cleaners pieces into the top of the cup to resemble antennae.
Holding the cup upside down, write one letter on each cup. Each time the class learns a new letter, attach another "letter cup" to your caterpillar with pipe cleaners poked through holes on the cup. Watch it grow!
Letter Laundry
String a line across a wall. Have children attach paper, cardboard, or fabric letters with clothespins. You can also put a letter on the line along with an object or picture of an object that begins with that letter.
Alphabet Christmas Tree
Needed: tree, plastic alphabet, assorted small toys
When decorating the tree this year let it become a learning experience. Get the alphabet pieces and attach a string to each one and hang on the tree. Then gather small items, toys, characters and hang one by each letter that the item begins with. For example: S and a star.
Get the children in your classroom involved by having them each bring in an item to go with a corresponding letter.
To s t r e t c h the learning experience include a chart nearby with the letter and the word. As the children look through the tree they will also be learning their alphabet.
Older children may enjoy making items. If real lights are used on the tree take care in the items you hang. Happiest Holidays with my alphabet tree to you from me!!!!
Contributed By: Patti
Cinnamon Me's
Need: Refrigerated biscuits, cinnamon sugar(1/2 cup sugar +1/2 teaspoon cinnamon), melted butter
Tape wax paper on a table top. Give each child a card with his/her initial on it so the child has a model to follow. Have each child roll one biscuit into a long snake and then shape it into his/her name initial.
Place the initials on a cookie sheet for baking. Let each child brush the initial with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar generously over it. Bake as directed on biscuit can.
Place large paint brushes and non-spill cups of water near the chalkboard. Children love to practice their letters with water and paintbrushes on dry chalkboards.